SFM - St. Francis Manor
SFM stands for St. Francis Manor
Here you will find, what does SFM stand for in Organization under Medical category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate St. Francis Manor? St. Francis Manor can be abbreviated as SFM What does SFM stand for? SFM stands for St. Francis Manor. What does St. Francis Manor mean?The hospital & health care medical organization is located in Grinnell, Iowa, United States.
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Alternative definitions of SFM
- Sanford, Maine USA
- Sprouts Farmers Market
- Surface Feet per Minute
- Simple File Manager
- Stewart Finlay Mclennan
- Standard Format Markup
- Single Fluid Model
- Science Fiction Museum
View 96 other definitions of SFM on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SFC Scarborough Family Chiropractic
- SWMSAPL Sirius Well Manufacturing Services Australia Pty Ltd
- SES Sirius Embedded Software
- SHRL School House Recruitment Ltd
- SPL Shrink Pack Limited
- SMN Sports Medicine North
- SMJFL South Metro Junior Football League
- SHL Shropshire Homes Limited
- SVT Schmalz Vacuum Technology
- SBAL Stanley Bragg Architects Ltd
- SGRCDCH Storm Guard Roofing and Construction of Durham Chapel Hill
- SBCC St. Barbara Catholic Church
- SKPS Super Kids Play School
- SCPL Signature Consultancy Pvt. Ltd.
- SMT Smith Micro Technologies
- SHSM The Sacred Heart School of Montreal
- SFW Southern Field Welding
- SESL Sage Engineering Services Ltd.
- SDL Sheriff Deputies Limited
- SAC Summit Athletic Club